Have you ever wondered how a piece of art would really look in your home? Would it blend? Would it fit with all your other art? Has that wonder made you hesitate and lose out on an amazing piece? Hopefully, the Schaded Corner will help! Designed with wall art in mind, the Schaded Corner is a miniature setup that will change over time and create photographs that will inspire reality.
Not Virtual Viewing, But Just As Good
I know it’s not the 360 degree, live-view that so many companies have now, but since I’m a small start-up business, I wanted to give you something to help! It can’t show you exactly how it will look in your empty space. But, it CAN show you how it looks hanging on a wall, in a real setup.
I made what I’m now calling the Schaded Corner to help potential buyers ease their worry. In every piece description, I include the dimensions of the final piece of art. Including the depth! That was to ensure that you were able to fit the piece of art you were looking at in the space you had in mind. The Schaded Corner, I’m hoping, will help ease your mind even more to guarantee the perfect fit.
Can You See Your Own Style In The Schaded Corner?

Maybe it’s just my creative photo-bug side wanting to do something more than just product stills on a white background. I mean, I understand the thought process behind needing and wanting white backgrounds for internet purchases, but seriously. Could they get more boring? Blech.
I’m a collector and lover of all things old, rusty, and unique. My décor matches that, so if you’re into sleek, modern and new, you might need to dig for your imagination to see it. But I promise, you can do it!
The Schaded Corner Is A Home Away From Home

Last year, I made the choice to sell what I could and store what I couldn’t. I decided that moving out of Las Vegas would be the best option. I already have that mountain of student debt, so I didn’t want to start another mountain of personal debt in back-payments on rent and other bills. So, I left. In hindsight, I could have planned it a little better, but at the time, it felt like there was no other choice.
My home in Vegas may not have been the dream home or the most ideal home, but it was MY home. You know? So, when I decided to make the Schaded Corner, I wanted it to feel like home again. It took me three days to finally decide on how I wanted it to look and about a week before I found all the bits and pieces I wanted for the space.
What Décor Would You Choose?

I didn’t want to just throw up some weeds or fake flowers by a blank wall and call it good. As I’m sure you’re well aware by now, I did have a budget in place! I passed up some cool stuff, but I think it turned out better than I planned. I hope you like the way the art pieces hang just as much as I do!
How would you set-up a mini photo-booth to showcase your art? What kind of décor would you use?
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Don’t forget to check out My Shop to see other Schaedings creations! As always, I hope your week was beautiful and you take a moment to look at what you have and appreciate the work you’ve done to achieve it! 🌲
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