Category Archives: Wood

the schaeded corner

Have you ever wondered how a piece of art would really look in your home? Would it blend? Would it fit with all your other art? Has that wonder made you hesitate and lose out on an amazing piece? Hopefully, the Schaded Corner will help! Designed with wall art in mind, the Schaded Corner is a miniature setup that will change over time and create photographs that will inspire reality.

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dremel tool

Last week, I touched the topic of saving your Dremel tool from the retiree bin by replacing the brushes. This week, I’d like to follow up on my personal top five Dremel tool uses. These aren’t attachment specific, though I do mention the flex-shaft. These top five are simply the things I find myself reaching for my Dremel for in order to create my wood art. Let’s get started!

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I realize that most people probably don’t use their Dremel tool 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, but I have. And I ran into a situation that I want to bring to light for anyone who may have ran into this, not knowing what it was! Have you ever been using your Dremel when it slowly starts to bog down, sounding like a groggy, sick friend talking to you over the phone? If you have, I have your secret – or not so secret – solution!

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router bit

Okay. This is going to be a short and sweet post! I just wanted to take a quick moment today and express my frustration with something. Earlier last week I made profiles for all of my router bits. Now, I’m new to the world of using a router for my art, but it’s one of the top five investments I have made for Schaedings. This is why.

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hot plate for branding iron

Have you ever had something that you have always wanted? And when I say always, I mean always… Well, I have. It might sound a little ridiculous, but I’ve always wanted a custom branding iron. Ever since I was about seven years old and saw my first cattle branding. I know. Like I said. Ridiculous! Who would want a custom branding iron after witnessing the agony it brings to cute little cows at a young, impressionable age? But, hear me out!

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For a quick backstory, I’m gonna jump back to the year 2018. As a family, we decided to make it a yearly thing to come together every February/March so that we didn’t lose touch. Early in the new year would allow us the chance to get together for the holidays, but not interrupt other obligations we had with work or in-laws! I wanted to create a memento for everyone that represented where we were at that year. This is where the wooden Christmas ornaments come in!

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organizational method for stains

Let me start by saying that I went through a massive array of ideas before landing on this organizational method for stains. If you have any ideas that could prove both sturdier and easier to access, let me know! I came up with this…

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drying house

At the beginnings of Schaedings, I made the realization that I was going to need a dust-free zone. My space and budget were limited, so I decided to build my own Drying House. When I say Drying House, I mean a designated, sealed area where dust cannot enter.

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This post is for all those out there who have the perfect game plan, only to have it rewritten a time or two!

My eldest sister asked for a temporary jewelry holder to organize all of her jewelry. She provided a scrap 1″ x 2″ x 8″ furring strip. I was excited to get going on the design and couldn’t wait to get it cut and framed up!

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