Make These Easy Profiles for Your Router Bits Today!
Okay. This is going to be a short and sweet post! I just wanted to take a quick moment today and express my frustration with something. Earlier last week I made profiles for all of my router bits. Now, I’m new to the world of using a router for my art, but it’s one of the top five investments I have made for Schaedings. This is why.
The Best Custom Branding Iron – A Dream Come True
Have you ever had something that you have always wanted? And when I say always, I mean always… Well, I have. It might sound a little ridiculous, but I’ve always wanted a custom branding iron. Ever since I was about seven years old and saw my first cattle branding. I know. Like I said. Ridiculous! Who would want a custom branding iron after witnessing the agony it brings to cute little cows at a young, impressionable age? But, hear me out!
Fall in Love With the Best Organizational Method for Stains
Let me start by saying that I went through a massive array of ideas before landing on this organizational method for stains. If you have any ideas that could prove both sturdier and easier to access, let me know! I came up with this…