Not everything needs to be complex, detailed, or extravagant to be beautiful. Line art is simple and tasteful. This unique wood line art tulip on poplar is elegant and can be a nice piece of art that can accent any room of a person who loves flowers!
This was an important piece to me. Both emotionally and mentally, I wanted it to represent the building of a bridge that had been closed off for a long time. I can’t say for sure if it worked, but any step is a step forward. Even if it alters the direction, it’s a step.
The tulip was purposefully simple. I originally had it centered and alone on the short piece of blonde poplar. I felt it was too empty though and the viewer was left wanting more. The viewer being me, naturally 😉.
After COVID happened, I was desperate for something to help me cope. Everything had fallen around me and my situation was less than remotely desirable. This tulip line allowed me the chance to open a door that I never saw before.
It was after finishing the final touches on the jute cord wrapping itself around the tulip that I realized I had this smile on my face. One of those soft, genuine smiles that you rarely realize is there. It was in that moment that I solidified the dream I had of creating Schaedings.
And here we are!