Innermost Connections
I know it’s a weird thing to say, but charcoal gives me the chance to feel connected with my inner demons. Comparable to a catch-and-release effect. My charcoal pieces are probably my darkest and most rare form of art, but that is what makes them that much more powerful. Everyone has both light and dark inside. Using charcoal as an art medium is how I get the contrast and darkness I need without being consumed by the fear and darkness.
We all, literally all, have felt negative emotions. Either they’re spurred on by someone else or created by our own negative self-talk. We have all felt the sting of tears behind our eyelids that we trap inside so no one can see them. For me, charcoal is the best way to get those inner demons out of my head. They can take the shape of a literal monster with horns and no face or the shadow of a figure hiding behind a tree in a dense forest or even if it takes the shape of something conquering the darkness. Who knows? That’s the beauty of it though. Not knowing exactly how the emotion will lay out on the paper after your hands interpret what you are feeling.
Charcoal pieces coming soon!